Saturday, March 19, 2011


Today was going all good and dandy... because i was happy that my daughter was coming back for Spring Break, and i was finally able to see her after 2 months. work was okay..was boring like usual lately, which is good, better than it being popping and trouble going around...

But my friend who moved in with me got mad at me cuz i didn't let him know that my daughter was home. and i really meant too, but i was talking to a tenant and forgot. so he's talking about going to sleep in the basement where its a filthy mess. and i don't want him to do that. but he thinks I'm making excuses. when I'm not. i really do like him and i don't want him down there, its bad enough that he's sleeping on my bedroom floor.

I've been cleaning my house this past two off days so that it can be clean for him and for myself. but i just want him to be up here with me.

And then i got into it with my daughter again about him. i don't know.. its just not going good today...

Then before she went to her boyfriends house, they went across the street to Speedway and got me some nachos and i broke my temporary crown on my molar. and now i don't know what to do...

I don't have any insurance at all or the money to go to the dentist to get another one. when i got this temporary crown, i had insurance and was working at the casino. but the insurance wouldn't pay for the permanent crown for some reason.. so now i think I'm going to go and ask them to just pull the tooth completely out and be just have a hole there... but the darn cap is sharp and its scratching my tongue.. and I'm afraid its going to start hurting . and i can't handle tooth pain. i think that's worse then menstrual cramps.

I don't know... is this God's way of punishing me? i don't think I've done anything wrong.. I'm trying to be good and do good by him and all...but i eat one nacho chip that wasn't even that hard, they were soft, cuz i just ate them after i got out the shower, and my tooth cracks... and then i feel sick to my stomach that i swallowed the piece.

And that i can feel the rotted tooth... that's grossing me out more than ever..

i just want to cry... badly.. but i don't want my friend seeing me cry again. because it bugs him..

i think i might be starting my period soon cuz I'm usually not this emotional about stuff.

i should be happy today because of my daughter being home, but I'm not... I'm sad.. and i can't help it..



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