Thursday, March 10, 2011


I don't know what to do with myself...

I can't hold my excitement any longer.. lol.. he,meaning my step dad is finally out of my house!!!! I told him in late December that he had to leave and he was procrastinating and saying that all the assisted living places had a waiting list, which they could have, i never checked to see if he was lying or not, but he finally left today and is moving in with his "son" Rob.. the one who used to live with us here and steal from me and him..

But Rob and his girlfriend got a trailer out in Portage so they have a room for him there.. THANK YOU JESUS!!! its not his first place of choice, but they were the only friends of his that offered to take him... all his friends that he supposedly did everything for and helped, weren't there for him when he needed it.. but his thieving son...

But he also told Rob that if anything of his comes up missing, meaning his prescription pills that he's going to leave... not back here... but somewhere...

And i hate being so happy that he's gone, but he's put me thru so much the 3 years i had him here it ain't funny...

I've had little 15 and 16 year olds running all thru my house, my house was raided by the police and my daughter and her boyfriend frisked because of one of his little boyfriends robbing a house and running into my house, (cuz my dad would leave the basement door unlocked for him) these same little boyfriends would sit up on my porch and drink and smoke pot everyday, ditch school and come here,...I've had food hoarded by him , all my dish towels are in all of my drawers that i have in my kitchen, some also in the bathroom dr
awers.., my good towels have been bleached and discolored, anything electronic i have is screwed because of him... lets see, what else? he stopped helping me with the only thing he was helping with was food... he was getting stamps, and he missed a call and got cut off last summer, then was saying he was waiting for an appeal , but all he had to do was go put in a new application... and he never did. so that was a new bill i had to start paying for, and then when i did start bringing in the food, him or his boyfriends were eating up all of it... my cereal that he never ate , was disappearing.... my burritos gone... everything... my cookies that i bought, he had half of it gone in two day! he NEVER ate cookies like that.... so i know he was feeding his little boyfriends all of my stuff while i was at work..


So now i can look forward to not having to smell smoke every time that inside door opens, no 16 year old kids coming to my house, i can walk around naked any time i want now... i don't have to lock my bedroom door anymore, i don't have to worry about my movies coming up missing, i can leave money out on my dining room table and not worry about it walking away, i can now leave my digital camera out, and my webcam without it coming up missing, i don't have to buy coffee anymore for him, i don't have to buy a gazillion bags of sugar for him.. i don't have to smell his foulness from the bathroom anymore or make sure that we have milk every 2 days cuz he goes thru it like crazy...

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.... me time.....

Yea, i admit... its going to be real lonely for me... and its getting me scared. cuz the 5 years that i've had my house, i've never been alone in it by myself for long... but now that my daughter is in college and he's gone, its just going to be me... ME , ME , ME... .. LOL.. oh, and my hercules...
i think he's going to miss him too... and he's going to be lonely when I'm at work .. but he will deal with it... so now i just got to get used to being here all by myself, and try not to get

I've also hoping too now that his little boyfriends know that he's gone, that they won't try to do something to my house while I'm away at work. because i never did trust them little butt holes.... but if something does happen then i know it was them. but i will be making sure that all my doors are locked and dead bolted while i am away. and my next check i will be getting new locks for my doors. i have to have someone fix my door knob on my front door . the knob is loose, but if its tightened it don't want to turn or lock... so i have to have someone come fix it right...

I can now take the password protection off my account for my computer and delete the guest account... see? little things like this that i had to do because he would get into stuff and screw things around...

But on to other things.....

I was talking to a friend of mine who's cousin used to live with me and i was messing around with for 9 years and loved him, well, he went crazy over my ex friend and she had a baby and everything by him and he's a worthless piece of crap... well, come to find out he really did her over... hahahahahahaahaaaa!!!!

That he still doesn't have a job, just sitting around smoking weed and playing video games, and now she don't have a job either!!!!! hahahahahaaa!!! she's now living off unemployment and he's living off her... i guess her car was messing up and her job got moved to somewhere in Illinois, and she doesn't do highways, so he was taking her back and forth to work and having the car all the time, so she lost her job worrying about where he was all the time.. calling off and everything so that she can be all up underneath him ... and i know what he was doing cuz he did it to me.. he was seeing all these other females that he'd meet online... but she was getting paid some good money and she lost it due to him... she also got pregnant again.. .. but she got an abortion.. which i never thought she would do, but it had to be from him telling her too, cuz he never wanted the first one by her... and she also blew up! got fatter than she was!!!! hahahahahahaaaa!!!! so Thank You, ex friend for taking my spot... lol.. because that's what i was doing, letting him smoke, and play video games, letting him take me back and forth to work, paying for things for him... and now she has all that now...

What goes around , comes around and GOD does not like ugly!!!!! but that made my day when my friend told me that... lol.. because I'm not stuck with his butt and all that bull crap...

So Wednesday was lent...what did everyone give up? me, i gave up fast food, candy, and pop... (which i have already before lent) and i think I'm going to give up sex too, since I'm not getting any now... lol.. but that don't mean that if a man would come to me wanting some, that i wouldn't give it to him, because i need it badly... lol..

But gotta go now... gotta go back to bed... lol.. get a nap in before work...

oh.... i got to go to the bathroom with the door open!!!!! i know tmi , but its one of those things that i missed doing... hahahahaha!!!

I'm out!!!!


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