Saturday, February 6, 2010

lying stepdad

You know, i really do hate a fucking liar.... and especially when the person is living right in the same household!!!

I had left for work today, and i know, i KNOW, i locked my door, and my daughter texted me saying that the door was open, and that my step dad was in there flipping thru my channels on my TV....

Things have come up missing in my room (my movies,money,all my aspirin) and he swears up and down that no one was here, and that he wouldn't touch them... ..

But yet, my movies are missing, probably sitting in some fucking pawn shop cuz he needed a few packs of cigarettes...

I've had money in my drawer next to my bed, and i know i didn't use it, and it came up missing... but no one was here, and HE didn't touch it....

And he eats aspirin like there fucking m&m's cuz he's always in pain... but yet won't go into the hospital....


But when you confront him about it, he want's to put the blame on my daughter and her friends!!! and my daughter knows how i am about my movies and how protective i am of them, and she knows not to do anything to them...shit, one of her movies came up missing too!!!

But i don't know what to do anymore about him, cuz its getting so fucking hard to live with him.....

But i know that pretty dam soon, mine and my daughter's room are going to have bolts and padlocks on the outside of the doors so that he can't go up in there for anything!!!

And i shouldn't have to do that inside my own house, but when you have a thief that is also a liar in your house there's no other alternative... until i kick him out...

But his string is wearing real thin right now... him being sick is the only reason why he's still in my house...

and its very, very, very, thin

On a more calmer note.... work is good.. was boring today until about 10pm when one of the tenants came down and was talking to me...then i was feeling better...

And i had gotten a call from my friend, saying that he was going to come over tonight cuz he was out this way, and i told him to call me tonight if he decided to come thru, and he didn't call.... :(

He must have figured that he wouldn't have gotten any rest at all, and he wanted to get up early for church... lol...

Because i was going to wear him ooouuutt!!! lmao!!!


let me get to bed, i'm tired...just got done watching that movie Pandorum, and i started watching it online (on a bootleg site) when it first came out, but the version i was watching was fuzzy and bad, so i stopped watching it... but it was pretty good... i'm going to have to go buy that... lol...

But I'm out!!!

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