Wednesday, August 3, 2011

things going on.

Sorry that i haven't blogged in a while.. this heat is aweful where my a.c in the living room went out and i have one that i borrowed from my mom in the bedroom and i don't go outside my room unless i have too. so i am now on my daughter's laptop.

Alot of things are still the same. except my daughter is home from school for the summer but she goes back this month on the 25th. and i'm going to miss her, but then i'm kinda glad she's going back. so i can get my house back in order and there won't be any tension or fights between us about Tyrone.

She don't like him being here, and that's putting tension between me and him. And i don't like that. we kinda got into it today when i tried texting him,to see how he was since we haven't talked in 2 days, and he told me that it wasn't a good time.. what? to talk to me? so i got a little mad that he can sit here and talk to all these ugly ass hoes but he can't talk to me? the person who lives with him? he don't spend any time with me, doesn't hardly talk to me, unless he needs something from me, and we don't have sex unless i complain that he's ignoring me. but here all these dirty hoes he has coming over get all his time, and i think one might even be pregnant. don't know if its his, i hope its not, cuz she's one ugly bitch, and he don't need no more kids.. after the 9 he has now, you would figure he would learn to use protection...but he doesn't .then wants to get mad that these females want child support and go after his money...duh...(went alittle off subject there, sorry) but here he wants to get mad that my daughter don't like anyone being in the house, and she fights with me every time she sees anything of his down in the basement or even hears him. i've apologized to him for how she is, but he's mad.

Mainly cuz i think because he can't bring the dog he bought over to the house till after she leaves. even though i don't want a dog in my house, i'm making an exception for him.I always make exceptions for him, but even though he don't need the dog. its gonna be confined up in that small attic with him and his things, but he said he's going to put it in a cage in the basement. and then there's the problems with the fleas we have in the house cuz of the stupid cat. but he thinks the dog wont get them. but i think it will.

But i found out on his facebook page, that he did get the dog, but he just hasn't brought it home here yet.. (i've been being a bad girl and sneaking onto his page cuz i know his password and everything.mainly to be nosey on that ugly girls page who thinks she's his girlfriend.). when he's told her and other girls that he don't want any kinda relationship with anyone.. so she's going to get her feelings hurt somewhere down the line...

But for someone who claims that he's such a "loner" and likes being alone, he has alot of company... he can be such a hypocrite.. and i hate calling him that. but how you going to tell me one thing, and do the opposite? he's had more company here to my house than he did over at the building when he lived there with a mutual guy friend! and then he don't think, these girls can be nasty, sitting their nasty girl parts on my toilet and i don't know what they have..seriously.. and then he lets them take showers...that's more dna down on my stuff..and then the one hillbilly girl he has coming to my house is going thru my things using my tampons! how you going to come to some other females house and use her things?? made me wonder who's stuff she used when she took a shower here....but see, he's so self centered, that he don't think of that stuff. and i've brought it up to him about these girls using my things, and he tells me that their not coming back and they did... and then the hillbilly one smoked in my bathroom while she was using it... i was pissed. and i bitched at him... he don't think...

So i think i'm done sleeping with him... even though he should be more with me since he hasn't paid me shit for least that would make up and show some appreciation for him staying here... but i'm kinda scared now to touch him, cuz i don't know where his dick has been.. even though he claims he's not sleeping with any of them... yea, okay...but let me stop complainin about him...

Work has been hell... literally... its so hot in that freaking building and i do have a fan, but it don't do any good... the tenants have been okay. and there is some trouble going on, that the boss lady wants to seem to blame on me on why i'm never around when things happen, but she don't think that the tenants are not going to do things when i'm around... but yet i'm supposed to be there... i'm really beginning to hate that place... i love the tenants and the kids, but i need a change. i'm getting bored doing the same thing over and over again. and then the tenants want to run over me and not listen to what i tell them.. and then get mad when i have to write them up... smh.. i don't know.. i just need to get out of the security profession... but i don't know what to do with myself.. and then with how my legs and feet have been, i can't seem to be on my feet for that long anymore... i got a bump on my foot on the heel, and it hurts like a sum ma ma bitch when i flex it to walk.. so i'm limping all the time now. but i need a change..

But i don't know. i hope that something changes for me soon, cuz something has got to give... very fast.



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