Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things going on

Man it's been a bad few weeks. I've been sick, my daughter is home from school and driving me nuts. And now the person who I called my step dad is stalking my house.
Yesterday my daughter came home from the grocery store saying that he was sitting on the corner of Speedway. So I go and look and sure enough he was sitting out there. I figured he was waiting till I left for work so that he can come on my property and get his mail. Cuz I told him that I didn't want him on my property anymore. So after I got dressed I went across to speedway and threw his mail at him and told him to stop watching my house and that next time im going to call the police. And he had the nerve to tell me that I got to be nicer.

Ummmm... What?

So I snapped. I told him i got to be nicer when he's the one who stole everything from me every chance he got? So he denied it and blamed it on Robbie so I told him to fuck off and that I hope he dies tommorrow, God forgive me, and then called him an asshole and walked off. He still doesn't get or figure out that I found my stuff in his shit when I was cleaning. He doesn't realize that. And you would figure a thief would. That they've been caught. But he don't. And that just makes him a stupid fuck.
But he claimed that he was waiting for a ride that didnt pick him up till 8pm. He had no business being around my house like that. But it was creeping me and my girl out. But next time im going to call the police.
My daughter now is driving me nuts. She dont do anything around the house. Don't clean up after herself and we've just been fighting like crazy. I don't know what it is. But she needs to find a job soon. And she has put in apps but they haven't called her back and she hasn't called them back to check. So she's been laying around with her boyfriend not doing anything.
My sex life is still non existant. I cant even get any from tai cuz he's trying to so call be good but has all these females up there. So he cant say hes not getting any if they staying up there for the night. And I swear I heard the bathroom ceiling creaking one time. And boy did that piss me off. Cuz here you telling me I need to be good and you still getting it from these ugly ass hoes? And im doing everything for him? Pffft...
So here I am drooling after every peice of guy meat cuz im horny as a motha fucka, and cant get any. I sucked a guy off the other night at work (yea,i know I was a bad girl) but I didnt get no dick like I needed. Its like when I dont want any dick the guys wont leave me alone. But when I want it the.guys aint no where to be found. And shoot, I cant do it on my own cuz I burnt the motors out on both my freaking vibrators. So I need new ones.

So I dont know. I think im going to start abusing my friend Fred. Lol start calling him more on my days off and getting some from him. Hes pretty good. And he eats cooch. Lol

But gotta go...


Friday, May 13, 2011

What a day

Today was a pretty good day. Except for all the heat that we are now getting. It's going to be a killer this summer. And even though it was hot we did get a thunderstorm today.

Work is still the same....boring. We have some stuff that happens but it's only every once in a while.

My sex life is completely dead now.I'm dying cuz I need some but I'm on my freaking period. So I have to wait to attack ty lol or any one else
But I guess I'm going to have to.*sigh*
Ohhhhh well.....

Gotta get in the shower
