Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Birthday

Well, today is my birthday..

I'm 39 years old... i feel so old... my mind doesn't actually.. in my mind i still feel like I'm 24 years old.. but my body is feeling it with me getting old.. my legs don't want to work anymore... or my back... I'm walking so slow cuz my legs hurt all the time... but i try not to think about it.

I'm just getting better.. :)

But today is just a regular day... i have to work today. and i hope that the building is nice and quiet today too.

My days off, i actually cleaned the house... Tuesday i picked up the yard. all the garbage that flew into my lawn, or was thrown back there, i had to clean. so my friend Tai who is living with me, he raked it all into piles and i picked it up.. which i blew a little fit about because he knows i can't bend over like that.. lol. i told him that he just likes to see me bend over.. he likes all of my big ass.. lol..

But i got that done and over with and now i got to call the city inspector tomorrow so that she can come and take a look at it so that i don't have to go to court for it. cuz i got a citation on it.. but I've worked with her before and she was pretty cool about it. :)

So i did that on Tuesday, and on Wednesday i finally got into that front closet and threw away all of my step dad's other stuff. my daughter's boyfriend came over and helped me do it so it went alot faster . but we found some more jewelry and my grandmother's box of silverware that she had forever that he swore was his.. and i had found some of my cd's wrapped up in his shirts that he was going to steal. so i took them back.

but now all his stuff is gone and out of my house, except for stuff that is now in my basement that i will be going thru maybe next weekend when I'm off, so that i can get all and everything of his out of my house. i have to call him to tell him to get his one box of shit that he wanted by next week too, or its going out in the trash..

Everything that he did to me, i don't care if he wants his stuff or if i throw it out,.. he stole from me for the 3 years that he was here, and didn't give a crap what he was doing...

But I'm procrastinating on calling him cuz i know that we will be fighting and i don't want to fight with him. i don't feel like it. cuz i know I'm going to curse him out and be done with him... and i don't feel like getting myself all worked up over his no good self..

My daughter comes home in May from college. and I'm going to be so glad to see her. but she's going to be giving me hell cuz she doesn't want Tai here, and i do. .he's such a wonderful man. he's my best friend, and he helps me so much around here at the house, and talking to him and just looking at him makes me feel so calm and collected. He makes me be at peace with things.
and he says that i do the same for him too.. i joke with him and tell him we should get married. lol.. but he says that he doesn't think that he will get married. he's just so stuck in the past with his baby's mama. and can't get out of it... but that's a whole other blog.. lol..

But I'm just glad that he's here, and that we're friends (and a little bit more.. ) and then too, he watches out for my house when I'm at work.. he works during the day, and i work at night. so its a good thing... and then i don't trust my house here empty cause i don't know if my step dad will try to do anything to my house, or have his little boyfriends do something to it.

But oh well... i know its protected now with him being here. ..

But i think I'm going to go to bed now, cuz i have to get up early and do my laundry for work tomorrow...

But talk to you laters...


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